"[A] fantastic blog... which ranges from opinions on food and wine to daily adventures in a culinary-related profession."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Theme Song?

I've begun to notice, by scrolling down my blog, that I drink champagne (or some other type of bubbly) nearly every day. Perhaps this should be my theme song:

I drink champagne in the morning
I drink champagne in the afternoon

I drink champagne in the bubble bath
I drink champagne in my dressing room


I drink champagne like Marylin and use it to wash down my Vicodin
My head starts to spin so I drink some more--my glass in the air when you start to pour
I'm a champagne whore;
I love the bubbles
Bigger champagne glasses, so make it a double
I stumble out of the club at 4 a. m., wake up and do it again


I only drink "Cris" when I party with P. Diddy;
I wake up hungover in some other city
Bring me my own tray, I prefer Moët and a bottle of Perrier-Jouët--and you pay!


If you don't drink champagne--kiss my ass
If you do drink champagne--grab a glass


I drink champagne in the morning
I drink champagne in the afternoon
I drink champagne in the bubble bath
I drink champagne in my dressing room



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