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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Re: Now Magazine Closed

(Continuing the short story series, "The Dish")

On October 4, 2014, at 2:04 PM, jmodley@theworldwide.com wrote:

Hey Lady. How are you??? Busy, busy we are... keep it popping!

P. Bradley: patricia.bradley@hurryupmag                      10/4/14
I'm good, how are you? I can't believe that Now Magazine is no more... we shall see if they come back, but they didn't put out a new issue last week! Sally said we're (Hurry Up!) the big dogs now! I've been so busy--only one day off the last 2 weeks and I've been visiting family on those days. Perhaps the following week we can plan a catch up. There's a NowWorks event on the 20th at the W... we shall see if it happens. But if it does, I plan on attending... to catch up on the gossip!
What have you been up to, Miz? 

On October 4, 2014, at 3:25 PM, jmodley@theworldwide.com wrote:

Child. I am beyond busy. We will make it happen. Yeah, Now got played. It happens. I'm headed to the office. No days off. School or work. But I will catch you one of these nights. Give my love to Amanda.

To be continued.

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