"[A] fantastic blog... which ranges from opinions on food and wine to daily adventures in a culinary-related profession."

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"The Dish" - A Short Story (in Series)


P. Bradley
One Opulent Alley
New York, New York 10014

August 9, 2013

Dear Ms. Jones:

I came across your August Gourmand ad seeking a full-time writer for Gourmand New York; alas, it was the day before I was to leave town for a full week for the Gulf Shores of Alabama. With my sincerest apologies, please do accept my attached résumé for the above position.
A bit about myself: my obsession with (N. Y. C.) dining began after reading the book, French Women Don’t Get Fat, which is largely based on a thrice daily three-course, sit-down meal diet (quelle budget!), paired with my first restaurant job at M. Soulé’s NoHo Kitchen where as a hostess (and later, maître d'), I’d watch Europeans eat their pizzas with a knife and a fork. Fast forward… I’d become the biggest food snob I’d ever met!
My culinary writing career began in 2006 with creating the blog, “Between the Knife and the Fork” and today, I contribute a regular dining column (titled “The Dishy Missy”) to Journey Fair. With a true passion for telling “food stories” to whoever will listen, I feel that I am the ideal candidate for the position! Also for your convenience: I’ve attached some links at the bottom of this page should you so desire to take a look. I look forward to your response!

Kind Regards,

P. Bradley

To be continued.

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