"[A] fantastic blog... which ranges from opinions on food and wine to daily adventures in a culinary-related profession."

Friday, January 15, 2010

>sparkling wines + photo shoot>>

So, our next and last session is going to be sparkling wines (yay!). Is it a coincidence or what that the same week I have a class on sparkling wines, I have a photo shoot for an article I wrote about champagne? Oh yes, next week, Gazelle is going to have me shot for the Love issue of Gazelland magazine. I have to wear shades of red since it's the love issue and I already have a look more or less planned out (expect Marc, Muicca & Salvatore)...

And our final session of Wine Essentials is going to be sparkling wines! I hope we get to taste some real champagne; so far all I know is that we'll be tasting one or two cavas. Actually, I think there will be champagne because when I asked my professor if there were any cavas as good as champagne he said I could judge for myself in session six--which reminds me, I have to find some pink champagne for the shoot!>>>>

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