"[A] fantastic blog... which ranges from opinions on food and wine to daily adventures in a culinary-related profession."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The 'Gaga' Chef

In case you didn't believe me when I'd said if Lady Gaga wasn't a pop star, she'd rather be a foodie... here's the proof, straight from the horse's mouth:

actual photo of Lady Gaga's boeuf bourguignon

Watching vintage Julia Child, THE FRENCH CHEF. Shall I have a go at a bouillabaisse? Bit like trying on Chanel for the first time, Precision!
 · January 7 at 2:10pm ·

Tonight I'm tackling my first boeuf bourguignon. Apron, heels, a wooden spoon, & heaps of determination. Will report my monster efforts! xox
My friends are stoned and making me take my french masterpiece out early. #BouefBourguignwrong? Well see. Some just can't wait 3 hrs!
 · Sunday at 10:10pm ·

And there you have it! Fell asleep in coma after eating so here's the morning report. Avec les pommes de terres!

... and that's why the lady, is a tramp.

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